Jets'N'Guns gold star v1.222
PC schlemiel | Developer: Rake In The Grass | Language: English | 103 MB (+3%)
Genre: Action/Shooter
<. You destroy enemies here, but you also make money thereupon your actions and you have to invest evident wisely to advocate your firepower and ship. Your fervor skills and your returns about apparatus are equally major hence the mastery. This is an masterpiece gambit with curious action, graphics and humor! The hour-long metal soundtrack from European metal unit Machinae Supremacy is the icing on the cake.
New in slam Edition:
* butt resolution raised to 800x600!
* 7 new customizable ships!
* 17 hidden weapons!
* 70 humble enemies!
* little known levels, items and ships!
* Briefing texts replaced with comics screens!
* unfamiliar music from your favorite band!
* Medals and ranks!
* and much repeatedly more...